Is to see improved hygiene and
sanitation for every communities in
South Sudan


CMW Drilling Company staff are selected and sourced from the local communities within Aweil in the Northern part of South Sudan and the technical and handy men are sourced from the areas of operations thus well versed in the area where the company will be operating. The drilling team deliver high-quality and durable boreholes that will serve and operate for decades to come.

Bishop Garang

A father, husband orator, Bishop, teacher and master entrepreneur of South Sudanese origin and birth. CMW is exclusively owned by South Sudanese directors and run by legit locals in every line of expertise

About The Founder

A world tour it became. From the dream of Bishop Garang a few years prior to the reality of today. A dream of his own drilling company to make clean drinking water facilities available, possible and to be self-sufficient with the proceeds. In the South Sudanese state of Bahr- el-Ghazal, where the Aweil district is located, a large part of the population has no access to clean drinking water. In collaboration with the Pharus Foundation, this unprecedented undertaking was started. By sea and land, with cargo ships and trucks, from Moerdijk to Aweil Town, via Bangkok, Mombasa and Nairobi; there went the drilling rig with the sea container full of associated machinery and materials. It was all joy when Bishop Garang came face to face with the Iveco truck on July 9, 2021 and read the label: ‘Christ Mission to the World’.


Christ Mission to the World and Imena Foundation look back on wonderful years of cooperation with the Pharus Foundation. Together we have been able to mean a lot in the field of education, clean drinking water, medical facilities and food security for the poorest of the poor in South Sudan. Thousands of lives have been changed forever.


Improved hygiene and sanitation for communities in South Sudan.


To provide improved access to clean and safe drinking water through the drilling of functional boreholes and installation of water tanks and water system


High Quality Services | Customer Focus and Satisfaction | Affordable Prices | Integrity |Transparency


• To reduce water-related diseases by achieving clean drinking water to improve hygiene and sanitation standards for residents of Greater Aweil and surrounding areas in South Sudan.
• To generate income to cover the operational costs of the Lighthouse Primary School and the Lighthouse Medical Centre in Aweil Town.

Best Practice:

a) CMW throughout the project consulted with chiefs, pastors, women and girls on the project drilling sites to ensure the sites were safe and secure from violence while fetching water. Project activities including assessments of water points at strategic locations, rehabilitations, were conducted in presence of beneficiary trustees such as local community leaders, the disabled whilst taking into account of cultural norms, gender, diversity, disability and age.
b) CMW ensured a timely implementation and consultative manner; to avoid any risks attributed to flooding, in addition to evaluating any potential risks more so among women and girls using a ‘Do no Harm’ Approach and protection. This is in addition to ensuring safety, dignity, integrity and meaningful access to the boreholes.

The Team



Managing Director

Responsible for overseeing the overall success, devising strategies for the company’s progress. Takes lead in development of the company’s strategy, creating and implementing the company’s vision and mission, assessing risks to the company, and setting strategic goals.



Operations Manager

General daily running of the organization especially through his roles of leadership and supervision. leading the company in daily operations and inter-departmental relations.



Deputy Manager

Responsible for helping make wise decisions alongside the Managing Director . Helps manage the entire team and ensure that everyone is doing their jobs. Helps lead the company when the Managing Director is absent and mediates between the team in the event of conflict.


Ground Ops

Technical Operations Team

CMW Drilling Operations' team comprises of the head drillers, assistant drillers, masons, casual worker and all the staff are involved in making each borehole a success.

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