To provide improved access to clean and safe
drinking water through the drilling of
functional boreholes and installation of
water tanks and water system

The Facts

Without access to clean drinking water, families are forced to drink contaminated surface water to stay alive, with dire consequences, as water- related diseases are a major threat to the health of the developing world. In South Sudan, where access to clean drinking water is an exception, diarrhea is the number one cause of death among children. In fact, it accounts for a frightening 77 percent of all child deaths under the age of 5. As a result, some 525,000 children’s lives are needlessly lost in developing countries every year. A toll that is higher than malaria, AIDS and measles deaths combined.

2021 – UN – WHO


CMW Drilling Company is a specialized drilling company that provide borehole drilling services and other related services. The company got its certificate of incorporation on 8th July 2021, it had been operating in Northern Bahr El Ghazal since 2015. The registration number from the Directorate of Registration of companies is 38456. The company aims to contribute to the improvement of hygiene and sanitation in South Sudan by providing clean and safe drinking water. The founding and incorporation of CMW Drilling Company was based the many years that the directors have spent in community development work and the realization of the need for clean and safe drinking water for South Sudan communities.


Improved hygiene and sanitation for communities in South Sudan.


To provide improved access to clean and safe drinking water through the drilling of functional boreholes and installation of water tanks and water system


High Quality Services | Customer Focus and Satisfaction | Affordable Prices | Integrity |Transparency

Key Objectives

• To reduce water-related diseases by achieving clean drinking water to improve hygiene and sanitation standards for residents of Greater Aweil and surrounding areas in South Sudan.
• To generate income to cover the operational costs of the Lighthouse Primary School and the Lighthouse Medical Centre in Aweil Town.

Overall Results & Stats

Commercial Boreholes Dug
Non-Commercial Boreholes Dug
Households Supplied with water
0 K
Persons have access to clean water
0 K

CMW Projects

Get Involved

Water is Life

You raise the money,
We dig the well

Build A Well

Provide clean water
for a community

Fundraise for a cause

Become a guardian angel

Give towards changed lives

It starts with a simple question

Are you ready to change lives

Other ways to give


Pay School Fees

Raise school fees to give a needy child an opportunity to be educated


Feed A Child

Support a feeding program to enable needy families get a  meal


Sponsor a mission

Give to missions that go out to preach peace, reconciliation and hope 

Find a Cause to Support

Copyright ©2022 • CMW Drilling Co. Ltd